The Mach One XP3 is a pre production prototype made in-house by the team here at Radium Performance, a small PEV startup from Melbourne Australia.

In late 2019, work began on what would become the Mach One – a new platform for electric skateboards that embodies the true skate experience at low AND high speeds.

The initial part of that journey was a lot of talk around what powered skateboarding really is and how sadly, most offerings in the market did not live up to our expectations.

Days were spent going through many possibilities until worthwhile ideas presented themselves for testing. In a humble workshop in Melbourne’s outer east, the seeds of innovation were sown into numerous prototypes which were then ritually abused, their limits destroyed so they could create the next level of parts designed for a purpose.

More than the sum of it’s parts, the Mach One is the next generation of electric skateboard specifically designed for powered riding. The XP3 pictured here is the third working and final pre production prototype in the Radium garage and represents thousands of hours making our passion a reality.

Although not specifically a race board, a Ferrari style graphic pays tribute to a brand that has provided much in the way of inspiration.

The Mach One system benefits from a large structural enclosure, customisable truck mounts and other hardware, ease of maintenance, expandability, and performance-to-weight ratio.

Most parts on the Mach One have been designed in-house by the Radium team. The board consists of a removable deck with bumper, a sleek and discreet structural enclosure, an integrated baseplate/suspension system, precision trucks and motor mounts, improved motor technology, and the team’s own wheel formula.

We can’t define what it’s like to defy physics,
but we can certainly feel it.

Riding the XP3 is a unique experience. It’s like a true sense of freedom, the thrill of living in the moment. The Mach One makes you beyond human, gifting you with the power to do things humans can’t otherwise do.

Currently the Radium team are preparing a Genesis Run, a short series of complete Mach One boards ready to ride. Orders will open to the general public in the first quarter of 2024 with deliveries starting in quarter three 2024.